Let’s Talk Plagiarism…Again

I have seen yet another Domme plagiarize me. I don’t know if this is being done intentionally or in ignorance. Either way, let me give some examples for any Dommes who are reading my blog and counterfeiting my ideas, or … continue reading “Let’s Talk Plagiarism…Again”

Max Fisch

I’ve had some people ask Me about Max Fisch and why I’m not listed on the site or involved with its forums. The answer is that I’ve asked to be listed and never received a reply, so I gave up. … continue reading “Max Fisch”

Beware of iFet.com

When iFet.com popped up, I noticed people flocking to it. It seemed like it might be a step up from other similar sites because, for one, they have a more attractive interface. However, being the cautious, not-so-easily-lead, and nonconformist type, … continue reading “Beware of iFet.com”

Professional BDSM & Confidentiality: It Goes Both Ways

Almost every client expresses some kind of concern about their privacy. Some people are very laid back about it and some people are very, very paranoid. I understand and respect the range of concerns and needs that exist. However, what … continue reading “Professional BDSM & Confidentiality: It Goes Both Ways”

The Judgmental BDSM Professional

Have you ever had someone shame you about your identity or sexuality?

Feels horrible, doesn’t it?

Have you ever had a Domme or Mistress do it?

If you’re a genuinely submissive person, it can be especially damaging — possibly pushing … continue reading “The Judgmental BDSM Professional”